Health Insurance Options With Affordable Premiums
The 2025 Federal Health Care Marketplace is officially closed. Open Enrollment for 2026 will begin November 1st, 2025.
Outside of the open enrollment period, health insurance shoppers can enroll in Affordable Care Act (ACA) health plans offered by private health insurance companies (like Blue Cross Blue Shield® and other top carriers) as long as
they have a
qualifying life event (QLE) within the previous 60 days. QLEs include losing individual or job-based coverage, getting married/divorced/separated, moving outside the coverage area, having/adopting a child, and more.
If you don’t have a qualifying life event (QLE), you may not be able to get an ACA plan but there are MANY other affordable health plan types available 365 days a year such as short-term health plans and health sharing plans, among others.
Short Term Plans in particular can be very good options. They are typically very affordable and can go into effect at midnight of the day you enroll. Meaning you don't have to wait until the 1st day of month for coverage to be
effective. Plans
are typically available from top carriers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield®, Anthem®, UnitedHealth®, Humana® and Aetna® among other top rated plans*.
To begin shopping for the health insurance plan that best fits YOUR needs, simply complete this short form or call (888) 592-5448 toll-free to speak to a courteous licensed agent to begin. It's easy!
Quotes are FREE and there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever.
*Actual insurer availability depends on the location of residence.